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Manage your research data: it's worth it!
Have you already performed a DMP?
What is the average retention's period of your project research?
1 year
2 years
5 years
10 years
What is the average volume capacity of your data pursuant?
1 TB
1-5 TB
5 TB
Where do you usually store your research data after publication:
on a private hardware equipment ( USB Key HD Disk)
on an academic NAS ( Institutional storage)
with the editor ( if so which one...)
on a commercial Cloud ( Dropbox, Google Drive, -..)
on SWITCHdrive
Other ( please specify)
If a national archiving solution was to be made available would you be able to change :
No, whatever the price
Yes, to an equivalent price
Yes, up to 5% budget increase
Yes, up to 10% budget increase
Yes, up to 25% budget increase
Yes, up to 50% budget increase
Université de Genève